House, Townhouse, Apartment和Condo的區別
House, Townhouse, Apartment和Condo的區別
House, Townhouse, Apartment和Condo的區別:
1. House 是**的一幢房屋,帶院子的,是私有財產。
2. Townhouse 就是聯排別墅,由幾幢甚至十幾幢小於3層的低層HOUSE連在一起。往往像是一個社區,有的是由統一的物業管理公司統一管理,可以是出租的,也可以是出售的。
3.Apartment 是帶單元樓的公寓,一棟樓只能有一個業主。一般只能出租,或整棟樓出售。所以租住的業主不能買賣只能擁有使用權。
4. Condominium,簡稱condo,有很多套單元房,有廚房、衛生間、臥室、客廳。居住的房間歸你所有,但周圍的建築面積,如走道等要由整個建築內的所有住家均攤。Condo的產權可以按單元出售,賣給不同的人,也可以租。
condos 跟apartment 有什麼區別?
一個建築多個居住單位共用一個門口通道稱為 Apartment。
一個建築多個居住單位各有獨立門口通道稱為 Condo。
另外condo跟apt的最主要區別是產權的不同,condo擁有產權,而apt一般不買賣或者只擁有使用權。其次,condo也不是像大家想像的一定是高樓及設施完善,Condo 的全稱是 condominium,本義就是“combines fee simple title to the unit and joint ownership in the common elements shared with other unit owners”,也即共管的意思,也即業主擁有房子的主要使用權,但一些公用設施則歸所有業主共同擁有並由管理處統一管理,包括維修,剪草,掃雪,換屋頂和窗戶等,所以在購買condo類的房子時常常會碰到管理費的問題,也是購房中要重點考慮的問題。因此,凡屬於這類型的房子統統叫condo,只是可以細分成condo townhouse, condo apt等, 近年建的新房一般都是condo。
共用牆壁又共用樓板,叫做 Condo
那獨門獨院的叫做?叫做 House
A townhouse is a dwelling that seems to combine the best amenities of a single-family home and a true condominium. Many people are a bit confused about exactly what defines a dwelling as a townhouse, and some of the lines are somewhat blurred, but the true explanation of a townhouse is simple: a townhouse is a home that is attached to adjacent houses. Typically, ownership of the townhouse comes with ownership of the land that its on.
While condos are sometimes also physically attached to other units, when you buy a condominium, you do not own the land beneath your home, despite the fact that you may be required to contribute to the general upkeep of the common areas.
Townhouses, also sometimes called row houses, can be built as single or multi-storied structures. They can be attached to other houses with one or both sides sharing common walls, depending on whether the unit is in a center or end position. Townhouses can be grouped together as small units, such as duplexes or triplexes, or they can be a part of a huge townhouse complex. If your townhouse is located within one of the larger complexes, you may be required to pay fees for the upkeep of common areas, as well as taking care of your own yard.
Townhouses offer at least a little green space, most often in the form of a small backyard area and landscaped walkup that leads to the front door. Some townhouses are designed to include backyard patios or upstairs balconies to enhance the feeling of open space.
Some advantages to buying a townhouse include: less responsibility for maintenance because of reduced exterior areas; higher security with neighbors right next door; amenities such as swimming pools or tennis courts (available in larger complexes).
But not everyone is suited for the townhouse lifestyle. Compared to owning a single-family dwelling, owners will lose a degree of privacy; be somewhat restricted as to how they can decorate the exterior of the dwelling; and, they may have to incur expenses to help pay for landscaping services and upkeep on the overall property.
If the concept of owning a townhouse does appeal to you, you can find a wide variety of styles and price ranges. Townhouses can look rustic, traditional or modern--the design of your townhouse is only limited by the imagination of the architect. As always, the real estate market and property location dictate market value for most townhouses.
House 又分為獨立屋(Single House 或detached)、雙連屋(Duplex或semidetached house) .
Condo 則包括Apartment和Townhouse(也叫排屋,鎮屋)。所謂的獨立屋,即房子和這塊地都是房主的私人財產,由房主自己管理。有人也許會問及領空和地表以下的所有權,如果你對加拿大歷史有興趣,可以發現,至今的確有少部分地產包括了地表以下的資源. 不過,對目前地產市場上絕大多數房屋來講,地表以下的資源是屬於政府的. 雙連屋就是兩個房子通過一面公用牆連在一起。同獨立屋相比,雙連屋因佔地少及有公用牆等原因,所以它比較便宜。無論獨立屋還是雙連屋都有一塊屬於它的地(lot)。通常房價包括地價(如買新房還須付GST,買舊房沒有GST)。
Canada 常見的房屋類型:
(1) Detached House (獨立屋)業主擁有房屋和地皮的產權。多為地上2層(called 2 story),為最常見一類房型,典型特點為地表層(main floor) 為主廳(living room),廚房及飯廳(dining room),上層是臥室(bedroom)及衛生間(bathroom),若有地下室,,可由主廳通向地下 。
(2) Duplex House (雙拼屋,馬屋, 雙連屋)同一屋頂下的兩套住宅聯在一起,業主擁有自己那部份的房屋和地皮的產權。可以是一左一右、一前一後,偶爾也有一上一下,以一左一右居多。
(3) Townhouse (城市屋、鎮屋) 左右均有牆壁與類似房屋相連的小住宅,通常各自有獨立的門口,多個不同家庭擁有地皮的產權。源於歷史上英國、愛爾蘭等國家貴族居住於城鎮中的鄉村風格的房子中。在北美它專指一排房屋中的一座,也叫排屋。
(4) Apartment / Condominium (公寓、公寓)有共同大門的多層單位,多個不同家庭擁有地皮的產權。Apartment 類似於香港/台灣/中國的單元樓,是建築物中的一部分,一般宜建築物中有多個的相同用途的自成體系的生活設施和空間,共同使用走廊,電梯及一些公共設施。可以是租住,也可擁有產權。包括Apartment 和Townhouse(也叫排屋)可稱做 Condo 也叫做condominium 是共有和共同統治之意。個人擁有建築物的一部分的產權,公共部分和其他所有者共同擁有,維持和維護費用(assessments)交給管理委員會或管理公司處理。
(5) Mobile Home (活動屋)可移動的房屋,需要停放在購買或租賃的土地上,要向管理單位繳費,新移民很少住此類房。
以上類型除Mobile Home 外, 多需要每年向市政府繳納地稅。
Townhouse和Apartment 需要向物業管理單位每月另外繳納管理費。
2. Apartment的類型
(1)單間(Single Room)擁有獨立房間,但廚房和廁所需與他人共享 。
(2)單人開放間(Bachelor Apartment)擁有獨立房間,但房間沒有間隔,有廚房和廁所 。
(3)N臥室一廳(n Bedrooms and more)具有一個廳和一個或者多個的臥室。另有衛生間(帶廁所﹑洗臉池﹑洗澡設備)及放衣物的壁櫥,有獨立廚房:帶洗碗池﹑碗櫥﹑台面﹑爐具﹑冰箱等。
3. 細說 Condo
Condo(或Condominium)包括Apartment 和Townhouse(也叫排屋)。Condo的特點就是他的各個單元(Unit)之間有共用或共有的部分,比如說:房頂,外牆,走廊及停車廠等;一般Apartment 還會有共有的水、電、氣系統及洗衣房等。另外,一個Condo(Condominium)的佔地也是共有的。簡單的說, Condo的用戶除擁有自家單位外,全體用戶共同擁有小區的共用設施,如訪客停車位,娛樂設施. 共用或共有的部分需要資金來管理,這就是每個單元都要付管理費的原因。管理費要支付共用或共有部分維修和更換的費用。有些管理費還包括水、電、氣三項中的一項、兩項甚至三項全包。所以,購買Condo時除了要瞭解它的管理費外,還要瞭解管理費中都包括了什麼?
一個管理好的Condo應有足夠的儲備資金(reserve fund)。它是從每月的管理費中按比例提取的。儲備資金用於共用或共有部分的維修維護。一個管理好的Condo應有足夠的儲備資金(reserve fund)。若是一個管理好的Condo,平均到每個單元的儲備資金可達到$1000以上。買這樣的Condo我們就不用擔心它的管理費會漲。Condo的每一個單元都對管理有一定的發言權。這個權限的大小是由該單元的單元因數(Unit Factor)決定的。這個權力是在所有單元的擁有者開會(Condo Meeting)表決時體現的。管理模式上,可以小區自行設立管理委員會或外聘專業管理公司. By
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